First was Primal Getaway, it had its moments of awesomeness and its moments of tears, both were possibly just as neccesary at the other though. I got to spend time with Lauren with was the best part, that our our pimpin' 18 person tent, that I almost wish we were the only ones sleeping in.. ahahaha, selfish or what... worship was the absolute best way to bring in the new year i think.
Then I went on a roadtrip with Kelly, it was fun, uhh yeah. mmm.
Then back to work with plenty of adventures thrown in the mix, visits to metropolis, picnics at the gardens, ricky gervais party with jess, wyks and carl, pool partys at my house, did i mention how cute james and elises wedding was!? (being seated at the naughty table at the recpetion was a winner hah.) going to thrive church, going for some sweet sweet indian food with thrive. then pretty soon it was PARACHUTE.
I am crazy about Parachute, I start smiling way too much and getting giddy and the few days leading up to it I actually get kinda jumpy... ahh yeah, excitement to the max, Bex re-enters my life (we fit ya see) and stays with us, we have a pretty freakin mean(and exclusive ;]) set up thanks to my couch buying skills on trade me and josh's truck driving skills staying in line over night then meeting us in there at the POWERED site I found, genius I know. Faves of the weekend were Shooting Stars (obvs) The Ember Days, Switchfoot, finally seeing Mumsdollar back in action, aswel as all the other locals. Ahh God and music, it's a powerful thing... OH! I also didn't get sunburnt! Holla! And got to see and hang out with awesome people, eat endless amounts of slushies and iced coffees and spend barely any money, nice. It was over way too soon, but it was beautiful, despite the tears at the end coz of silly people. Venting over a frozen tropical Keri juice was healing ahahaha. That boy doesn't pop up all that much, good and bad I guess. mmmmm. moving on.
Week after Parachute me, Beka, Em and Israel took off to TGA ALL DAY to see The Ember Days play, we hung with Lauren. I LOVE LAUREN. and we went to Wendys (who were out of large cups, uhmm what!? so unimpressed!) then I visited my future husband aka Daniel Ness ;] kidding.
And now I'm back at work but with SO much to look forward to the next few weeks/months! It's mental and I'm just tyring to go crazy on saving for SYDNEY IN JULY! wowwww! So amping for that, love travel, love that I get to go with some of my best friends, love that God had totally been hooking us up with sweet cheap flights and accom, next bestthing will be if Mel can come over from Melbourne for it and if I can save lots of money to spend on fun and exciting things! And I'm starting to get kind of keen for winter, I love winter fashions, the boots and scarves and hoodies and long cardis and flanno! Plus hot chocolates, cuddling in bed, norah jones on the bus and dark nailpolish! My autumn fashion quarterly made me heaps excited too ahaha, mmm. Its been crazy lots of laughter and a few tears, things that didn't work out the way I'd hoped, but I am so thankful. I don't really know what I'm gunna be doing next, work wise and such, I don't really plan on quitting my current job but I'm open to whatever. I will follow you...
Listening to: Valentines Day Mix 2008
STUDIO: New Youtube Video! Yessir! Yessir!
1 year ago
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